Happy New Year!
I hope that you all had an amazing Christmas! I just want to remind everyone that we will not be meeting next week, we will be starting up again on January 7th. Have a sweet vacation!
It's beginning to look alot like Christmas!!
Angel Tree Christmas Gift Deliveries

David Crowder Band Concert

The sold out concert has moved to a larger venue and tickets are available again! Join us November 9 for the concert. We will leave from the church(Time TBA). Tickets are $30 (includes tickets, handling charges and gas). Please give your $ to Lisa, Jesse or Germaine as soon as possible. You don't want to miss this!
Coming soon to a youth group near you

An a-MAZE-ing experience!!

We will be meeting at CCA at 11:30am and returning at approximately 6:00pm. The cost is $10 if we get more than 20 people, but $17 if we don't. And food is also available for purchase after the maze is completed at "Caesar's Palette". Don't forget to bring your permission form with you. If you have any additional questions feel free to contact me, G, at 673-8292.
I'll see you at the pole!
The Monday beforehand, Sept 24th, from 6:30-8:30pm we're hosting a Youth Rally at Christ's Church. We've invited youth groups from all over the area so you'll get to meet Christians from your school that go to other churches. We'll have ice cream sundaes, music, prayer, sharing...and did I mention ice cream sundaes! I hope you can make it out to get preped and ready for SYATP.
Labor Day Kickoff Party!
Sum, sum, summertime!
Well we're off for the summer. I hope you've all had a great year at youth group. Here's a little video for you that I hope will bring back some good memories. Check out the photo archives for more pics and fun times! Have a great summer and we'll be back next Labor Day!!!
End of the Year Pool Party
Game Night
This Monday come celebrate Memorial Day at my house (directions) with board games, lawn games, and maybe even some old school kickball!! That's right, no regularly scheduled Bible Study this week, Game Night instead!! So come on over from 6:30-9pm. Bring a snack or drink to share. Games will be provided. C-ya then!
More on Sweatshops
Last night we talked briefly on sweatshops so I thought I'd expand on it here. Sweatshops are manufacturing facilities where conditions are inhumane and workers are overworked, underpaid and often abused physically or mentally. Most major companies contract out the manufacturing of their products to the lowest bidder. So often times, the cheapest bidder is the one that pays their workers only cents a day and makes them work long, arduous hours.
You can cast your vote against sweatshops by how you spend your money. Knowmore.org is a great online resource that rates major companies based on six categories: Human Rights, Worker's Rights, Business Ethics, Political Influence, Environmental Concern, and Globalization. You can look up the stores you shop at regularly and discover how they rate. Keep in mind, some of those stores may be owned by a larger corperation so you may have to browse around to find out who's their parent company. You can also check out www.behindthelabel.org for more info on sweatshops, stores that use them, and how you can get involved to stop them. If you want to buy some guaranteed sweatshop free merch then check out www.nosweatapparel.com. They can even print your own design on sweatshop free apparel so you can make a statement of your own!
Thanks for your interest in helping make a difference in the fight for worker's rights. I hope these resources can be a help to you in finding alternative stores that use more ethical and humane practices.
You can cast your vote against sweatshops by how you spend your money. Knowmore.org is a great online resource that rates major companies based on six categories: Human Rights, Worker's Rights, Business Ethics, Political Influence, Environmental Concern, and Globalization. You can look up the stores you shop at regularly and discover how they rate. Keep in mind, some of those stores may be owned by a larger corperation so you may have to browse around to find out who's their parent company. You can also check out www.behindthelabel.org for more info on sweatshops, stores that use them, and how you can get involved to stop them. If you want to buy some guaranteed sweatshop free merch then check out www.nosweatapparel.com. They can even print your own design on sweatshop free apparel so you can make a statement of your own!
Thanks for your interest in helping make a difference in the fight for worker's rights. I hope these resources can be a help to you in finding alternative stores that use more ethical and humane practices.
Sign up now!
Arise Worship Evening
Sharefest is a community-wide service day where we will team up with lots of other youth groups and families to help out at some of the elementary schools in Nashua. Your $25 donation will go towards project materials, transportation, pizza dinner, t-shirt, and concert admission. If you want to join us, please return your registration form to Mike as soon as possible.
Game Night
I'm sure I don't have to remind you all that next week is vacation week!! So that means no regular youth group, but instead we're having Game Night at the Griffins house (directions). So get your game on and come on and join us over from 6:30-8:30pm! Please bring a snack or drink to share so we have enough munchies. Hope you can make it!!
The countdown is on

Even if you can't make it to the event you can still collect money and you can still fast on your own. Or even if you don't collect sponsors you can still come to the event. We'll work with you, just let us know. So keep collecting those donations and we hope you can come April 13!
30 Hour Famine

New Videos
In case you haven't seen it yet, we have a video up on the media page from our Video Scavenger Hunt last weekend. It was definitely good times for all involved. (Disclaimer: No cows were harmed during the making of this film.)
I also want to clue you in on the progress of our Invisible Children Road Crew friends who will be with us on Sunday night, March 25th. They've been to New York, Boston, Rhode Island, and are currently in Connecticut. Here's the latest video from their time in Boston.
Fun Times in Boston
I also want to clue you in on the progress of our Invisible Children Road Crew friends who will be with us on Sunday night, March 25th. They've been to New York, Boston, Rhode Island, and are currently in Connecticut. Here's the latest video from their time in Boston.
Fun Times in Boston
NO Bible Study
Since next week is vacation week for most of you we won't be having our regularly scheduled Bible Study. Instead you're all invited over to my house (directions) for game night! We'll have various card and board game options for everyone's enjoyment. Please bring a snack or drink to share so there'll be plenty of goodies to go around. Hope you can make it!
Video Scavenger Hunt
They're on their way
The Invisible Children New England Road Team is on their way! Alana, Chris, Brent, and Heather left San Diego with the East Coast Road Team and drove 3 days across the county to begin their tour. They've been in New York and Boston so far, but the anticipation is mounting as we're getting excited for them to join us on March 25th. At 7:00 that Sunday evening we're hosting a screening of the film at Christ's Church and will have a little Q&A time with the IC Road Team. If you're new to Invisible Children you can find them online at www.invisiblechildren.com and www.myspace.com/invisiblechildren. Check out this video of the first leg of their crazy trip, and be sure to keep the Team and their tour in your prayers as they make their way toward NH.
Three Day West to East Coast Road Trip
Three Day West to East Coast Road Trip
Winter Retreat

Welcome to 2007!
Well we're back! Hope you've all enjoyed your vacation and your holidays. This Monday we're starting youth group back up again, first youth group of 2007, so come on over at 6:30. We'll start up our new small groups for the year, but you can get an exclusive preview right here! Check out the small groups page for a little glimpse of what each of the groups will be about and how you can come prepared. I hope you're all looking forward to it as much as I am. See you there!
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