I trust everybody had a great time at Java Jam last Friday! It was a great night and if you weren't there you totally missed out. Well this Friday we have another opportunity you won't want to miss out on. On Friday, Nov 10th we'll be heading over to the Andreasen's (10 Spring Rd, Amherst) for a screening of "Invisible Children". The film follows the adventures of 3 young men who travelled to Africa looking for a story. They couldn't believe the story they found. In Uganda, children were being abducted and brainwashed to kill for the rebel army in the country's civil war. 'Night commuters', as they've become known, walk for miles from their remote villages the sleep in the safety of the city. This film is awakening a generation to the atrocities of the war in Uganda and challenging everyone to make a difference in the lives of the invisible children who surround each of us everyday. I hope you'll make it out to the Andreasen's Theatre this Friday night at 8:00pm to experience this film with us.
Warning: Because of the nature of this film, it contains some graphic war images that may be disturbing to some. We do feel it's appropriate and important to show and discuss this film so if you have any questions about it's content please contact
Mike. For more information on the film and the movement check it out online at