It was a brisk September morning as a figure with a gray hooded sweatshirt made his way to the flagpole outside Souhegan High School. The sun had recently risen casting it's light on anything it could touch. As morning awoke more students slowly gathered sitting around the pole with their heads bowed. As everyone else passed by on their way to school, 18 students prayed. They prayed for their friends, for the teachers, for their school. A cry arose from that flagpole, to join with others around the world, for God to show up and transform this generation. One woman was pleased to hear it was a good thing and not prayer because someone had died or something bad had happened. A few others just stood by and watched. But God showed up one Wednesday morning when a few courageous students sought His face. And He will continue to show up for those who are seeking.
"Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations!" ~Ps 46:10